Bridging the Gaps
A Survey of Methods, Challenges, and Pathways Forward for Superhot Rock Geothermal Energy
Clean Air Task Force commissioned a collection of five flagship reports, pulling from independent leading experts internationally, to serve as a comprehensive gap analysis across key technology verticals essential for the success of end-to-end superhot rock geothermal energy projects at a commercial scale. Each report dives into a distinct aspect of the technology: drilling, heat extraction, well construction and design, and power production.
Das Hauptziel besteht darin, den Stand der Technik zu bewerten, verbleibende technologische Lücken aufzuzeigen und zu ermitteln, worauf sich künftige Forschungs-, Entwicklungs- und Testanstrengungen konzentrieren sollten. Auf diese Weise soll sichergestellt werden, dass keine kritischen Bereiche vernachlässigt werden und für jedes Technologiesegment ein klarer Weg in die Zukunft definiert wird.

Gaps, Challenges, and Pathways Forward for Superhot Rock Energy Synthesis Report
This report serves as a summary of each flagship report. Each section reviews a category of technologies – drilling, well construction, heat extraction, and power production – for accessing superhot rock energy, identifies existing technology
gaps within each of these technology areas, and suggests strategies to overcome the technology gaps identified.
Synthesis Table: Superhot Rock Technology Gaps
This poster outlines the essential technological advancements needed to achieve a first-of-a-kind superhot rock energy (SHR) project and to derisk the technology. It consolidates findings from five technology gap reports — heat extraction, well design and construction, drilling, surface equipment, and site selection — authored in collaboration by leading experts.
Bridging the Gaps Presentations
Opening Remarks
Heat Extraction
Power Production
Siting and Characterization
Well Design and Construction
Bridging the Gaps Resources
Bridging the Gaps Workshop Presentation
View the presentation from the May 28, 2024 Bridging the Gaps Workshop in Reykjavik, Iceland. Hosted by Clean Air Task Force and GEORG, the workshop explored the findings and technical gaps uncovered in the five flagship reports focused on the capabilities necessary to create power and industrial heat from superhot (>400C) rock formations around the world.
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