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19. November 2024

COP29 | Der Weg von der Planung zur Umsetzung: Methanreduzierung in der Landwirtschaft aus politischer Sicht


Details zur Veranstaltung:

November 19, 2024
14:00 – 15:30

Methane Action Hub, Blue Zone


Global Methane Hub and Clean Air Task Force

Über die Veranstaltung

Agriculture methane is responsible for 40% of all anthropogenic methane emissions. Although significant achievements in research and development of technologies and practices to reduce these emissions have been observed in the past few years, innovative policies to accelerate their implementation are still behind.

This event will consist of a panel showcasing the steps being taken by developed and developing country governments in the forefront of agriculture methane policy design and implementation, leveraging technologies and practices that are already available for the sector.

CATF Sprecher

Paula García Holley, Politikmanagerin für Lateinamerika, Prävention von Methanverschmutzung

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