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19. November 2024

COP29 | Methan und Klimagerechtigkeit: Lektionen von zivilgesellschaftlichen Organisationen für integrative und effektive Klimaschutzmaßnahmen

Details zur Veranstaltung:

November 19, 2024
11:00 – 12:30

Methane Action Hub, Blue Zone



Über die Veranstaltung

Civil society organizations are at the forefront of climate action, contributing to methane
emission mitigation through evidence gathering, advocacy for policy reform, and
implementing tangible solutions. This panel will showcase their essential role in addressing
methane emissions, with a focus on transparency, robust data utilization, and actionable
policy recommendations. The event will highlight key outcomes from their work, encouraging
stakeholders to foster a future built on climate justice and environmental sustainability.

CATF Sprecher

Paula García Holley, Politikmanagerin für Lateinamerika, Prävention von Methanverschmutzung

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